Halfway to forever by Karen Kingsbury

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There were a dozen things jade was desperate to bring before

the Lord-her health, her baby's chances of survival. Her life. But

before she left that night, jade uttered the only plea that really


God, bring Tanner back to me. Please. Before it's too late.


here was no point trying to concentrate.

Tanner planted his elbows in the open file on his desk and pressed his fingers against his tired, aching

eyes. How

could he work, when all he could think about was jade, the hurt in her voice as they'd talked...?

He gave a hoarse laugh. Talked? Who was he kidding? They hadn't talked in days, not really

His late hours were frustrating her; that much was clear. But what was he supposed to do? The case

needed him. Desperately. Every hour at work meant a greater chance for success at the trial. Victory

wouldn't come unless he stayed devoted.


Tanner tapped his pencil on his desk as a dagger of guilt sliced

through his heart. The arguments he had created to justify his

time away from jade suddenly collapsed like a house of cards. He

covered his face with his hands and tried to settle his nerves. What

is it, God? What's wrong with me? My wife's home dying, and I'm here

at work.

He peered through the spaces in his fingers, and his gaze settled on a plaque near the edge of his desk.

Jade had given it to him on the one-year anniversary of his helping her win back custody of Ty. A

Scripture that was one of their favorites was carved in the middle...

Be still and know that I am God.

The words played again and again in Tanner's mind, but they seemed to have no relevance to any of the

troubles burying him

186 Ali;



at the moment. He let his hands fall to the desk and stared at the outline for what could be his biggest case


Tanner's research had been exhaustive. He had reams of information

he could hardly wait to share with a jury. He imagined

their reaction when he revealed his favorite little-known facts. He

glanced at his notes. For instance, separation of church and state,

the idea most people attributed to the Constitution, was actually

not in the Constitution at all.

The First Amendment said only this: "Congress shall make no

law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free

exercise thereof."

His eyes moved down the page.

The idea of separation of church and state came from a letter

Thomas Jefferson wrote to a group of Baptists, assuring them that

no act of government would infringe on their right to believe.

Why? According to Jefferson's letter, because that clause in the

Constitution provided a wall separating church and state.

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