Halfway to forever by Karen Kingsbury

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Now if God said it, I believe it. In this case, the words

are God's, not mine. We are left to stand back and look at

the larger picture, the picture of Christ as our merciful

God and Savior. Why would He say, "Except for marital

unfaithfulness?" I have to believe its for this reason: When

a person's spouse isunfaithful-physically or otherwiseand

has a hard heart toward reconciliation, God does not

seem to condemn the faithful spouse to a life of isolation.


Therefore, though the Lord hates divorce, the faithful

spouse who remarries is not guilty of adultery. That's how I read it, anyway. If you have any questions,

contact me at the church office.

Sincerely, Pastor Steve

With each clear-cut sentence, a river of peace flowed more freely in jade's heart. She blinked twice so

she could see through her tears. "But I was at fault, too. I lied to Jim about Ty from the beginning." The

pastor bit his lower lip. "Well, Jade, you shouldn't have lied, but the test God gives us isn't one of

perfection, it's one of intent." He studied her. "Did you intend to see your marriage end

in divorce? Even at the end?"

Jade shook her head. "No, even after I found Tanner again I wanted to make things work with Jim. He was

my husband. But by then Jim had made up his mind."

There was silence between them for a moment, and Jade remembered her feelings from earlier that

afternoon. "I guess there's only one other thing." Her eyes settled on her hands and she noticed they were

trembling. "I feel like I'm dying. Maybe even tonight."

At that moment, a door opened in the back of the church, and Jade turned just as Tanner rushed in. When

he saw her, he stopped, his eyes locked on hers. Even from. a hundred feet away, Jade could feel his

apology, read it in his face and hear it in his unspoken words.

Her heart filled with a joy so strong it nearly eclipsed her fears. She soundlessly mouthed the only thing

that came to mind, a truth that started her crying in earnest and made her ache for his touch: "You came."

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Pastor Steve nodded toward Tanner, cleared his throat, and patted jade on the knee. "I'll be in my office if

either of you need me."

When he was gone, Tanner came to her, lifted her from the chair, and cradled her close to his body as

though she were a small child. His tears mingled with hers as he brushed his cheek against her face. `Jade.

I'm so sorry, baby"

With every ounce of her remaining strength, she held on to

him, breathing in the smell of him, savoring his heartbeat against

her chest. Careful not to bump her arms or legs, he sat down in

the wheelchair, still holding her close.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder. "Don't let go of me, Tanner,

please." Two quick sobs slipped from her throat. "I'm so afraid."

"Of what, sweetie?" He drew back enough to see her face. His voice was like a caress. "Tell me."

"Of dying." She sniffed. "I think I might die tonight." "Tonight?" Tanner's eyes grew wide and his

expression softened even more. "Honey, don't say that."

"But I'm so scared..."

"You?" He looked genuinely puzzled. "I thought you

were... you always say everything is fine." He nuzzled his face

against hers. "Baby, how long have you felt this way?"

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