Halfway to forever by Karen Kingsbury

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Hannah's eyes filled, blurring the image of Grace. "No, honey.

Stories aren't real. The thing I have to tell you now is real."


"Okay, what?" Grace's fingers gripped the satin edge of her will make the transition easier for Grace. She

managed to grab a

lanket on either side of her chin. "Tell me."

A light-headed feeling came over Hannah and she begged

God for strength. And the right words, God... please. Something that

mouthful of air, and decided to start with the good news.

"Grace, they found your grandma. She isn't dead; she's alive." Grace scrunched up her face. "Mommy said

she was dead." Hannah cast a desperate glance at Matt and then turned her

attention back to Grace. "Your mommy was wrong. Your grandma

is alive and she's coming to see you tomorrow."

Grace sat straight up and stared at Hannah. "My grandma's coming tomorrow?"

"Yes." Hannah took hold of Grace's hand. "In the morning." "From Oklahoma?"

Hannah had nodded, and her throat grew thick again. Grace was very bright for a four-year-old. She

seemed to know more, retain more information than most children. Then again, Grace hadn't ever had a


At least not until she lived with them.

Hannah steadied herself. "There's something else." She paused. "Your grandma wants you to go back to

Oklahoma. She wants you to live with her."

Grace's blonde eyebrows settled lower on her face. "You mean for a bacation?"

"No, honey..." Behind her, Hannah could hear the sound of Jenny stifling her tears, and Matt came

alongside her, slipping his arm over her shoulder. She focused on Grace once more. "I mean forever. Your

grandma wants you to be her little girl."

Tears flooded Grace's eyes. "In Oklahoma?"

"Yes, baby. You'll be moving to Oklahoma with her tomorrow." 165 all





"But..." The tears spilled onto her velvet-soft cheeks. "But will you come with me?"

The child's words sliced Hannah's heart to ribbons. She had

thought nothing could be more painful than Mrs. Parsons's call

earlier that day. She was wrong.

Will you come with me...?

Hannah bit her lower lip and found the strength to speak.

"We can't, honey. Our house is here. Your house will be in

Oklahoma." Hannah imagined how her answer must have

sounded to Grace and she cringed. "Your grandma wants you all

to herself." Tears were tumbling down Grace's cheeks, and

Hannah cocked her head, desperate to ease the child's sadness.

"You love your grandma, right?"

"Yes." Grace's chin quivered, and two soft sobs came from her

throat. "But you're my mommy and daddy and jenny" She looked

around. "This is my room. And if my room is here then this is

where I live. I wanna stay, Mommy Please... "

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