Halfway to forever by Karen Kingsbury

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saucers, and he sat on the edge of his seat throughout the entire contest, cheering and shouting and raising

his chubby fist in the air. It was the time of his life.

The analogy was striking for my husband and me.

In the here and now, we are having fun at the birthday party, but ultimately God wants to take us

somewhere else, to a heavenly place where we'll have the time of our lives. The wonderful place where

young Brandy Almond went in Halfway to Forever.

Yes, we will question. But only God holds the answers, and many of them won't be clear until we get to

the Big Game.

While writing Halfway to Forever, I was reminded of the Israelites wandering in the desert for forty

years. God's provision for them was daily. He never gave them more than enough to get through one,

single day. That's how it was for the Bronzans and Eastmans. Yes, there was crisis. Yes, troubles came.

But God provided enough grace and strength for each sunup, one day at a time. At first their situations felt

overwhelming, as though God had abandoned them.

But that is never the case, is it? Not for these characters, and not for us in real life. If there was anything

Hannah and Matt learned, it was that through the darkest night, morning would always come. If there was

anything jade and Tanner learned, it was that God's plans were always good, no matter how they seemed

at first.

Just like our son's trip to the Blazers game.

I pray that in journeying with me through the pages of Halfway to Forever, you've been reminded of these

truths as well.

344 No matter what, God is in control. He loves you and He'll never let you go.

On a personal note, our family is adjusting beautifully to the

adoption of our three new little boys. Sean, EJ, and Joshua are in

first grade, learning to read, and loving American sports,

American customs, and most of all American food. They pray

often and know the One from whom our blessings come. All the

terrifying possibilities we imagined and sometimes entertained in

the days leading up to their adoption never materialized. Not one.

Our children love each other and are living testimonies to the power of prayer. Our prayer and yours.

Thank you for being a part of the miracle of their lives. Your continued prayers are so appreciated.

Until we're together again, I pray God will bless you and

yours and leave you with a deeper understanding of his Holy provision.

Day by day by day.

As always, I'd love to hear from you. You can reach me

through my Web site at www.karenkingsbury.com or at my email

address, rtnbykk@aol.com.

Love and grace in Christ,

The publisher and author would love to hear your comments about this book. Please contact ua at:


Discussion Questions

1. The strength of jade and Tanner, Matt and Hannah, was their friendship. Why is friendship important to

us all? How is it specifically important to you?

2. Explain how friendship is a tool God uses to bring us

closer to Him.

3. We meet up with these characters during a season in their

lives when they are all undergoing hardship. Explain those

hardships and how they are different from each other.

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