Halfway to forever by Karen Kingsbury

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spending time with the ov"I saw a shoshe w Grace changed with Mhat t Parsons drew a quiet breath.

family. For the first time she knew what a real mommy was supposed to be like."

The picture was becoming clearer. "That whole time she thought I was dead."

"Right." Patsy's tears felt hot on her weathered cheeks. "She must have believed she'd been given a new

life, a chance to have a family who would never leave her. Never hurt her."


The despair in Patsy's soul was worse than anything she'd suffered

in all the years of disappointments with Leslie. "What am I

supposed to do, then? How can I make Grace feel secure?"

"It takes time."

"And what about Leslie's threats. She'll take Grace whether it's legal or not, by the sounds of it." Patsy's

voice trembled and she felt utterly weak.

"First, you should get an attorney and see about officially adopting Grace. Second, I'd follow through with

the restraining order. And you might want to consider moving, as well."

312 Attorney? Restraining order? Moving? Patsy's head swam and

she could barely find the strength to speak. "In other words, I'd

never see Leslie again."

The social worker's answer rang with finality. "Quite possibly

But then, she considered you dead before any of this ever happened." Memories of the conversation


Patsy reached for a manila envelope on her lap and tucked the letters inside. She craned her neck and saw

that Grace was still on

the recliner where she'd been an hour earlier, watching television with the same dazed look she'd had

since she'd arrived in

Oklahoma. God, what am I supposed to do?

There was no loud answer, no letters from heaven giving her

step-by-step directions on how to raise little Grace. Patsy shifted her gaze forward once more and stared

at her hands. Her shoulders shook and tears formed a logjam in her throat.

For years she'd prayed daily for Leslie, begging God to change

her heart and bring her closer to Him. Now in some ways, Patsy

was being asked to choose Give Grace the home and safety she

deserved, but eliminate Leslie from her life entirely. It was the

most gut-wrenching thing Patsy had ever been asked to do.

She closed her eyes, folded her hands, and brought them to her face. Please, God, give me wisdom. I feel

like I'm going to lose no matter what I do.

Ask and you will receive... seek and you will find... for the Logo

gives wisdom.

The Scriptures soaked through her frightened soul as though

God Himself were writing them there.

Bit by bit, an idea began to form in Patsy's head. One she

would never have considered if not for Leslie's threats and Candi's


warnings-and most of all her own conversations with Mrs. Parsons.

Ever since receiving Leslie's letters, she'd seen only one way of carrying on, a way that grew darker and

bleaker with every passing day. But now... in light of God's gentle whispers... she saw a way she'd never

considered before. It wouldn't be easy or painfree, but suddenly it loomed as the answer to her prayers.

The idea grew and took root and by that evening, Patsy was sure it was the best answer. A way that, in the

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