Halfway to forever by Karen Kingsbury

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It wasn't until they were back in the house that jenny turned to them, her eyes intent, serious. "I know what

Grace's grandmother meant, and I understand your prayer, Matt." She looked at Hannah. "But I want you to

know something. You can bring another little girl into this house and raise her. But that's the Iasi time I let

myself fall in love with a sister." Fresh tears fell from her eyes. "Losing one sister was hard enough.

Now..." She shook her

171 head. "I'm sorry, I...I won't do it again. Not unless God answers my questions."

Hannah and Matt watched her go; then they came together,

embracing each other like two children who'd long since lost their

way and had no idea where to turn next.

Though the song they'd sung minutes earlier still rang in

Hannah's heart, though she knew God's promises were true and

that somehow they'd survive, she couldn't help but ask herself the

same question that had to be troubling jenny

Why, after all they'd been through, had God let such loss happen




anner was gone. Again.

He would have a good excuse. He always did. Over the past few weeks he'd given her dozens of excuses,

but the

bottom line jade knew was this: If she was dying of cancer, he didn't want to be around to see it happen.

The whole thing was too much for him; the wasting away of her energy and health and even her life was

too difficult to watch. And so he had tuned out in every way that mattered.

Emotionally, spiritually, and most of all physically.

He hadn't meant to hurt her; Jade believed that with all her heart. But it hurt all the same, there was no

denying the fact. His absence had pockmarked jade's heart with a loneliness and sorrow she hadn't

imagined possible.

After taking the trip to Colorado, Tanner had made a brief effort to spend more time with her. But now

jade hardly ever saw him. She was lonely and afraid and she ached for him whenever she was awake.

She missed him more than at any other time in her life, even the years when they'd been apart.

His absence was putting a distance between them that scared her and left her with no one to talk to, no

place to vent her fears. During their few minutes together, jade refused to share her true feelings with him.

If fear was what kept him away, she was determined not to give him more reason to be gone.

Especially now, when she needed him so badly

Because the truth, regardless of what she wanted to tell Tanner, was obvious: The medication was

changing her.

175 allI

K A R E N K i N G S B U R Y

She began to notice the changes two days after the second seizure, when Dr. Layton increased her dosage

and assigned her Helen, a full-time home nurse.

Jade was more tired than she imagined possible, and no

amount of sleep made her feel better. Though her brain might

intend to spew out three quick sentences, her mouth would only

respond with one. One very slow, very deliberate string of words

that sounded monotone and robotic, even to Jade. About the

same time walking became difficult. Every step required thought

and planning, and so her pace was half her usual quick-footed

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