Halfway to forever by Karen Kingsbury

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hair, couldn't picture her silky dark head bald and cut open.

The room was so quiet he could hear his heartbeat, and he wrapped a thick strand of her hair around his

finger and held it that way. He stared at her, studying her, watching her breathe through most of the night.

Terrified that if he fell asleep, jade-the jade he knew and loved and cherished-would disappear from his


Not just for a day or a week or a season.

But forever.

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Grace's absence and jade's illness were the only marks on an otherwise perfect time for the Bronzans.

During the next two weeks, Hannah prayed daily about

both situations.

Grace's curly hair and contagious smile still flashed in

Hannah's mind every morning, and occasionally-although less

often than before-it took several minutes to remember that she

was no longer their daughter, no longer living in the frilly bedroom

down the hall.

They had talked about converting the room into Kody's nursery

but there was a small room across the hall that Hannah had

used for odds and ends that worked just as well. Besides, she and

Matt still believed that somehow, sometime, God would bless

them with another daughter.

Becoming parents to a son, however, was nothing less than an

act of God. A complete surprise that none of them would have

sought out and that had made their home a place of hope and

miracles. Overnight jenny had taken to spending long hours

rocking Kody and cooing at him. They marveled at his glowing

skin and clear bright eyes, at the fact that a runaway teenage girl

had managed to care for her baby so well, and herself so poorly.

Long before Kody awoke each morning, Hannah would find herself restless, missing the weight of him in

her arms and wanting to hold him, feed him, sing over him as she'd done that first time in the hospital

room. More often than not, she would tiptoe into his nursery, sit in the rocking chair next to his crib, and



it him, awed by God's hand in her life.

had never imagined, something she had even avoided when they

Hannah Bronzan? The mother of a son? It was something she

first entered the world of adoption. All she'd ever known were girls. But now, holding Kody, she could

sense a difference in the strength of his fist around her finger, the lust of his cry. He was a

good-natured baby, yes, but he was all boy A fighter with strong

will and determination that overshadowed anything she'd seen in her girls at this age.

Hannah often sat in the dawning shadows of morning and studied his face through the crib bars, imagining

what great thing God had planned for him. Maybe he'd be a preacher, like poor Milly had prayed. Or the

faithful president of a company, leading his employees by example. Or maybe a teacher, a coach. A

freedom fighter like Matt, or a doctor like Tom.

It didn't matter really Whatever Kody was, he'd always be a miracle first. A boy whom God had

handpicked for their home, their arms. Their family.

That was something else. After Grace was taken from them, Hannah doubted the entire idea of adoption. It

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