Halfway to forever by Karen Kingsbury

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But take heart! I have overcome the world."'

The words soothed the raw places in jade's soul. She had read

the verse dozens of times over the years, but now it was as though she were hearing it for the first time...

understanding a truth she'd always missed. The Lord hadn't only overcome the world's trouble, He had

overcome hers. Personally.

Tears swam in her eyes and she studied Pastor Steve's face. "I never thought of it that way" She reached

for a tissue in the pocket of her wheelchair. "Like God had already-" she looked down at her chair and

back at the pastor-"overcome this."

Pastor Steve hesitated. "There's more. Let's talk about marriage and divorce. I've been asked about this so

often that one day I wrote a brief explanation. It's something I printed up for people like you, people with

these questions and concerns." He stood and headed for his office, which adjoined the front of the

sanctuary. "I'll be right back."

Seconds later he returned with a preprinted card. The front read, "In case you wonder..."

Jade opened it and began to read:


Dear friend, I appreciate your questions about God's view

on marriage and divorce. While I do not have the definitive

answer in this matter, I have searched the Scriptures

on the issue. In that light, I would like to give you my

understanding of Christ's position, as I see it in the Bible.

Each of the Gospels talks about divorce to some degree. However, the text in Matthew 19:9 says, "I tell


193 O F 0 R E V E R


that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits


I've thought and thought on this verse, and in trying

to understand it I've used the word replacement method.

In the following examples I've replaced the key words

from that verse, but kept the sentence structure the same.

Here goes:

Anyone who eats pizza, except for cheese pizza, will

get heartburn.

Who doesn't get heartburn? The person who eats

cheese pizza. Let's try another:

Anyone who lies in the sun, except for the one who

wears sunscreen, will get burned.

Who doesn't get burned? The one who wears sunscreen.

Or this one:

Anyone who misses school, except for illness, will

receive a fail.

Who doesn't receive the fail? The one who misses

school because he's sick.

Many people will argue that once a married person is

divorced, they must never remarry because to do so

would result in adultery Yes, there are verses that say this,

but there is also Matthew 19:9.

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