Halfway to forever by Karen Kingsbury

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A light huff slipped from his lips. His gaze fell to his lap and

the camera lying there. He wanted to do this for her, but how?

Tanner thought back over the months, how he hadn't been there

for Jade after her diagnosis...

If she was brave enough to speak a message to Maddie from

the bed of her hospital room, looking into their family video camera,

then in God's strength alone he would be strong enough to

film her.

He looked up and his eyes met hers. "I'm sorry." He held the

camera up and flipped the screen on the side. "Of course I'll film it."

Jade cleared her throat and nodded to Tanner. At her signal,

he began filming and she smiled into the camera. "Hi, Maddie. I'm here in the hospital room the day after

you were born, and-" she held up the pink journal-"I wanted to share a few things with you."

Tanner did his best to keep the camera still.

"This is a gift for you, Maddie. Something I've worked on for


long time. It's a book of letters from me to you." She smiled and

opened the journal, pointing to the pages inside. "Each letter is

sort of a talk, really. Something I might tell you when you take your first steps of say your first words. The

encouragement I'd give you on the first day of kindergarten or the first day of middle school."

The book was full, front to back, with handwritten letters. Tanner could see the tears in jade's eyes, but

only if he looked hard. His own silent tears blurred the image of jade, and he blinked, fighting for the

strength to continue as jade kept talking. "One letter tells you how I like to apply mascara and the best

way to blend foundation. Another tells you what to look for in a friend and what kind of boy to stay away


Jade flipped through the pages. "I wrote you a letter for the day you get your first kiss and the day you

leave for college. And I wrote you a letter for the day you get married, sweetheart." She closed the

journal and held it close to her heart. "Those and lots more, honey. They're all here."

She hesitated and her smile faded just a bit. Tanner blinked back another wave of tears and tried not to

sniff. He didn't want anything to ruin the miracle he was capturing on tape. Jade swallowed hard. Her

eyes narrowed as though she could see the face of their daughter in the camera lens. "My prayer, honey, is

that you and I are watching this together. That we get the chance to watch it together lots of times and even

share it with your children one day." Jade plucked at her terry cloth bathrobe. "We can laugh at how silly I

look and talk about how much time has passed and how quickly. But whether I'm there or not, you'll know

that at this time in my life, I got sick. Very sick."

Tears slid from jade's eyes and she wiped them with her fingertips. Tanner wanted to rescue her, help her

through the moment,

but there was nothing he could do except keep the camera rolling.

277 Her voice trembled as she continued. "Tomorrow I'll start treatment, medicine and radiation that the

doctors hope will make me better. Then in two weeks I'll have an operation. One that we all believe will

save my life."

Jade steadied herself. "Your father and I have prayed about it

very much, and we believe God's word is true. He has a plan for

me, for you. For all of us. A plan to give us hope and a future and

not to harm us."

Her composure broke then. She brought her hand to her face

and for several seconds she hung her head, staving off the sobs

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