Halfway to forever by Karen Kingsbury

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Do not be afraid...

The words echoed in her heart, and jade wondered if she was

imagining them. It was terrifying to live with a brain that no

longer responded the way she expected. God? Can you hear me?

I'm scared.

Do not be afraid, daughter. . .1 am with you.

A subtle reassurance settled over Jade, and she knew the still

small voice in her soul was nothing less than God's own comfort.

She closed her eyes, grateful that He still had His hand on. her, still

loved her and stayed by her even though she was sick.

Especially because she was sick.

Am I dying, Lord? Are You taking me away f rom Tanner? Away

from Ty and our baby girl?

In response, jade remembered the verse that had been on her

heart constantly the summer she and Tanner found each other

again. The words soothed her soul and she played them over in

her mind again and again.

"I know the plans I have for you... plans to give you a hope and a

future and not to harm you... "

A door slammed in the distance and jade's eyes opened. "Ty?"

"Hey, Mom."

She heard him trudge inside, toss his backpack in the corner,

and fling his baseball cap on the nearby chair. His footsteps grew

closer, then his warm face was up against hers, kissing her cheek

and stroking her hair.

"Hi." He sat back on his heels. "You look tired."


Jade managed a grin. "Thanks, buddy."

"Sorry." Ty must have caught her hint of sarcasm. "I didn't

mean it like that. You look great, really"

She messed her fingers through his wheat-colored hair. Tanner's hair. "That's okay; I know what you mean.

I am tired. Too tired lately."

"You're not worse, are you?" Concern flashed in Ty's expression. "No." Jade reached for his hand. "I'm


"Do you need anything? A cookie or juice or something?" "No, champ, that's okay." Jade struggled to sit

up and swing her legs over the side of the sofa. "Let's get a snack together. We can eat out on the patio."

Helen walked past and stopped at the sight of jade working herself up onto her feet. "I can get the chair..."

The chair. Jade appreciated the way Helen didn't call it a wheelchair, but that's what it was. A wheelchair

in case she wanted to get out or be pushed around the block. Dr. Layton had said she would only need it

until the baby was born. Between now and then, too much walking could stimulate tumor growth and more


"No, thanks." Jade smiled at the older woman. "I'm not going far." She held her elbow out toward Ty, and

he took it in a way he'd long since perfected.

When he wasn't at school or busy with sports, Ty was constantly at jade's side, checking on her needs and

offering to help her walk from one spot to another when she felt unsteady. This was one of those times.

Arm in arm, she and Ty moved into the kitchen. Jade sat on a stool while Ty put together a tray of apples,

crackers, and cheese. He carried the tray outside, placed it on the patio table, and poured two glasses of

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