Halfway to forever by Karen Kingsbury

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the floor, listening to Matt's end of the conversation.

"What if the woman isn't mentally sound?" Pause. "Have you checked her financial records?" Another

pause. "Does she have the space to raise a child? The energy?"

When he had exhausted all avenues with Mrs. Parsons, Matt asked to speak to her superior. Again Hannah


"I understand that, but the judge has already given her permanent placement in our house." Silence. "I

realize that, but any psychologist would tell you that once a child has bonded to parental figures, it's more

traumatic to separate that bond than it is to work within it." More silence. "Maybe you're not hearing me. I

said we'd be happy to work out visitation rights with the child's grandmother... Yes, I know she lives in

Oklahoma, but right now we're Grace's parents and that's how it should stay even if..."

Matt's efforts went on that way until jenny and Grace spilled through the front door, giggling and grinning

from their day together. Jenny saw Hannah sitting on the floor crying and Matt

on the phone.

The smile faded from her face and her eyes grew wide.

Matt got off the phone and they all listened as Grace rattled on in a happy singsong voice about the lunch

out with jenny, the shopping, and the fun time they had playing at a local park.

Hannah had wiped her tears and smiled at Grace.

161 "Sweetheart, why don't you go to your room for a little bit and

play with your baby doll. Mommy has to talk to Jenny"

Grace was oblivious to the mood in the room and she skipped off, blowing Hannah and Matt a kiss on her

way. Before she left, she ran up to Jenny and kissed her on the cheek. "Can I tell you something, Jenny?"

Jenny's voice was pinched, and Hannah had the feeling her

daughter somehow knew what was about to happen. "Sure,

sweetie. Anything."

"You're the best sister in the world." Grace smiled big at her

and threw her arms around Jenny's neck. "I love you for always

and always."

When Grace was out of earshot, Hannah stood and held open

her arms. Jenny came to her, hugging her close while Matt stood

beside them. "Honey, I'm so sorry to tell you this."

Hannah could feel the heavy thud of Jenny's heartbeat and a

wave of nausea swept over her. The entire scene reminded her of

that awful day in the hospital room when Jenny regained consciousness

after the accident. The day Hannah had to tell Jenny

that she'd lost both her father and her older sister. This was different,

of course.. .but it was every bit as painful and just as final.

Jenny had pulled back, searching Hannah's face. "What happened?" Normally Matt would have stepped

up, put his hand on

Jenny's shoulder-something that would come across as a show

of support ...but he was drowning in his own pain. He said nothing

as Hannah tried to explain.

"Grace's grandmother has turned up. The judge says Grace

has to live with her. In Oklahoma."

Jenny stepped back, her face knotted in angry confusion.

"What? They can't do that! She belongs to us."

Hannah took careful hold of Jenny's arm, bridging the dis160 H A L F W A Y T O F O R E V E R

Vince between them. "She's here on the foster-adopt program."

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