Halfway to forever by Karen Kingsbury

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orange juice. When the snack was set up,

177 he led jade across the kitchen and through the back door.

"Sort of a preview, huh, Ty?" Jade's head was spinning and the room tilted. She clung to her son's arm,

determined to make the walk without falling. She managed a chuckle. "What life'll be like when your

mom's an old lady, right?"

"Nah." Ty led her to a patio chair and helped her sit. "You'll

never be old."

Once they were situated, Ty filled a small plate for each of

them. Jade reached for an apple slice and took a bite.

"Mom..." Ty wrinkled his brow "Aren't we going to pray?"

"Oh, sorry" Jade set the apple down. "Go ahead."

Ty bowed and paused a moment before starting. "Dear Lord,

thank You for this snack, thank You that Mom feels good enough

to eat it with me, thank You that she's not getting worse. And

please God, make her better soon." He opened his eyes and

grinned. "Now we can eat. I'm starved."

jade's heart swelled. Ty had always been that way Even when

he was a small boy, he would catch jade starting a meal before

praying. It didn't matter if it was Sunday dinner or a midday

snack, her son's dependence on God was as natural as breathing.

"You wont believe it." Ty grabbed three crackers from his plate and shoved them into his mouth. "Guess

who quit the baseball team?"

Jade pulled one foot up onto the chair and rested her chin on

her knee, pretending to think hard on the question. "Carl the


"No..." Ty made a face and chomped on an apple slice. "The

Mugster wouldn't quit. He might be having a bad year, but still."

Ty's eyes grew wide. "Really, Mom, guess who quit? You won't

believe it!"

The apple tasted like metal and jade ran the napkin over her

mouth, spitting the pulp into the paper and wadding it up in her


'ands so Ty wouldn't know. "I give up; tell me."

"Okay It's a long story, but it started last week after we lost to

the Reds, remember?"

Jade nodded, doing her best to keep a serious face.

"Well... after the game the other team's pitcher came over to

our dugout and..."

The rays of sunshine warmed jade's shoulders, and listening to Ty and his stories made her dizziness less

severe. She couldn't bring herself to eat, but that was okay. Helen was bringing her protein drinks three

times a day, so even if food didn't look good, at least she and the baby were getting the nutrients they


The smell of jasmine, rich and sweet, filtered up from the

landscaped grounds, and a light breeze stirred up a handful of puffy clouds against the deep blue sky

jade breathed it in. She loved this time of the year, the way the heat eased up and the Santa Ana winds

cleared away the smog. Would she be alive next year at this time? Or was this her last Southern California


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