Halfway to forever by Karen Kingsbury

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Something was wrong.

Jade was utterly nauseous, her headaches more severe than before. And on several occasions her vision had doubled. She did everything she

could to rationalize the way she felt. Her age must be a factor, she told herself, or her hormones. Maybe the baby was bigger than Ty had

been at this point, or possibly the stress of the miscarriage a year ago had strained her system more than she realized.

Maybe she needed glasses.

Jade tried to calmly analyze her symptoms, but each night she

lay down in raw, heart-pounding fear, terrified something was

wrong with the baby Sometimes, after Tanner was asleep, she'd sit

straight up in bed and stare out the window, willing her heartbeat

to slow down, desperate for a grip on her emotions.

Day after day the fear ate at her, but not once did she tell

Tanner. Oh, she told him when she didn't feel well or when she

had to lie down because her headaches were so bad. But she

didn't tell him her deepest fears, that there might be complications

with her pregnancy. She barely acknowledged the possibility

to herself.

But now, six weeks after learning she was pregnant, jade was

worried about more than the baby's health.

She was worried about her own.

That was why, when she awoke at four in the morning one

Monday in June with a splitting headache, she promised herself

she'd make the call. Whatever was causing the pain in her head,


and today he was going to the beach with the boy's family Jade

had no plans whatsoever for the day.

Her head throbbed as she eased herself to a sitting position,

careful not to wake Tanner. He would be up in two hours and he

needed his sleep. He'd been coming home from the office earlier

since jade's announcement, but he was so excited about the baby that they had talked until after midnight the past few nights.

Despite her pain, the sight of her sleeping husband filled her with joy. There couldn't be anything seriously wrong with her. Not now, not when

she had everything she'd ever dreamed of with

Tanner. She brushed a lock of hair off his forehead and admired the

angles of his face. He'd been treating her like a China doll since hearing the news, doting on her, bringing her ice water, and encouraging her to

rest whenever possible. Because of the severity of her symptoms, he wanted her home from work, and she agreed. Her last day would be at

the end of the month. She would reevaluate after summer, since the baby wasn't due until December.

Whenever Tanner worried about her headaches and nausea, Jade would lean close and kiss him into silence. "I'm supposed to be sick.

Morning sickness means I'm carrying a healthy baby."

It was enough that she was concerned; there was no point worrying him also. For the most part Tanner was willing to believe her explanations.

She closed her eyes. Mahe it go away, Lord, please. Take the pain from my head so I know there's nothing wrong with me.

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Her skull ached in response, and images from the night before

filled her mind.

She and Tanner had gone out onto their bedroom balcony to

watch the moonlight glistening on the rolling hills behind their

home. In the shadows they had spotted a pair of deer making

their way to a thicket of oak trees. Tanner came up behind her and

slipped his arms around her still-flat midsection.

"You're beautiful, jade. More beautiful than anything." He whispered into her ear and she leaned her head back against his chest.

"Mmmm." She closed her eyes. "It feels so good to be with


"I'm sorry you're sick." He left a trail of feather-light kisses along her neck. "But I love that you're pregnant. I want to be a part

of everything I missed when you had Ty"

Tears had burned in jade's eyes. "I wish there was a way to get

back the years we lost." She drew a deep breath and savored the weight of his body against hers. "Sometimes I still can't believe

we're together."

The memory faded, and jade stared out the window at the

still-dark morning sky. Her first pregnancy had been marked by

pain and turmoil, all of it orchestrated by Tanner's mother and her

web of lies.

Jade thought for a moment of the girl she'd been when she got pregnant with Ty, the way she'd ached for Tanner, yet wound up marrying

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