Halfway to forever by Karen Kingsbury

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A lump formed in Matt's throat, a combination of gratefulness and sadness. Grateful because this precious

child was his daughter, and sadness because one day she'd grow up and leave them. "Yes," he said when

he found his voice. "Even when you're big."

The image disappeared as Matt pulled into the driveway and climbed out of the car. Now there would be

no lifetime of storytelling, no growing up together, no little girl to call his own.

And in that moment, Matt knew Hannah was right. Losing a child created a kind of heartache that could

only be understood through experience. Because the hurt that weighed on him now was greater than any

Matt had ever felt.

He steadied himself before opening the front door. Carry me,, Lord...

Be still and know that I am God...

The flash of words in his mind was so strong, Matt knew they'd come straight from heaven. Still, the pain

remained. And Matt knew that whatever happened next, Hannah would show


the way through it. She knew what to do, how to act, how to

eve. How to survive this kind of loss.

After all, she had lost a child before. Now it was his turn.

159 II,

G race's grandmother didn't look like a monster.

Quite the opposite, in fact. Sitting across from Hannah and Matt in the Bronzans' living room the next

morning, Patsy Landers looked nothing short of genteel. She was petite, with fashionably cropped gray

hair, compassionate eyes, and a pleasant smile. A strand of elegant pearls lay over her beige cashmere

sweater, and despite her considerable limp, she had the polished mannerisms of a cultured woman.

But Hannah couldn't help think it all a clever disguise. After

all, she was here for one reason only: to tear their family apart.

Of course the woman claimed to love Grace and want the best

for her. But why take her from the only stable home she'd ever known? What kind of love was that?

Hannah kept her feelings about Patsy to herself. There wasn't time for ill will toward the older woman.

Not now, when they had less than an hour left with a child they had come to love as their own.

Hannah and Matt sat huddled on one sofa, Grace squeezed

between them, jenny close against Hannah's other side. Mrs.

Parsons had given them their explanations and made it clear their

legal options were reduced to none.

It was time to say goodbye.

Hannah wiped the tears from her cheeks and looked at the

two older women sitting across from them. "Would you mind if

we had a few minutes alone with Grace?"

The social worker gave a quick nod. "Take your time." She

stood and motioned for Patsy Landers to follow "We'll walk on


like something from a nightmare. Matt had gotten home just after

Hannah nodded and hung her head.

Her life since Mrs. Parsons's phone call the day before seemed

H A L F W A Y T O F 0 R E V E R

,,the beach. Thirty minutes sound okay?"

one o'clock and spent the next two hours talking with various officials at Social Services.

He had started with Mrs. Parsons. The questions sounded like

something from one of Matt's famous cross-examinations, and Hannah sat cross-legged nearby, staring at

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