Halfway to forever by Karen Kingsbury

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"This isn't the time." Tanner exhaled hard. "We'll talk later. I love you, jade."

"Okay" Jade pulled the phone from the side of her face and ended the call. Okay? Jade had always been

quick to confirm Tanner's declarations of love with one of her own. But this time the words simply

wouldn't come.

Ty finished his story and brushed Cathe crumbs from his ll had upset jade, he didn't

If he noticed the fact that the phone

say. Instead, he kissed the top of her head and darted toward the door. "Gotta get dressed. Helen's taking

me to the game." He paused before going inside. "I'll hit a home run for you, Mom. That'll make you feel


She gave him a thumbs-up, touched by his tender heart. "Can't wait to hear about it."

Jade stayed outside, staring at the hills behind their house. If she focused hard on onehg ormal~She stayed

that way for clou-her

trunk or a sense of balance seemed almost

long while, refusing to think of anything but the beauty around

her. Eventually she heard the front door open and minutes later

the sound of the car pulling away.

Certain that she was alone, jade let her mind drift back to the conversation with Tanner. It was wrong for

him to spend so much time at work. Couldn't he see how badly she wanted him home? Did he think a nurse

could replace having him at her side?

181 II~I~





Betrayal and anger rocked her soul. There were no answers, at least none she cared to think about. Jade

pushed her plate back and stared at her wedding ring. An ocean of tears spilled from her heart and down

her face.

She missed Tanner so much she could barely stand it.

What if she died? Tonight even? Was this how she and Tanner would spend their last days, distant and

frustrated and rarely together?

"God..." Sobs tore at her, and the sound carried on the

breeze. "I'm so scared and alone. I need him. Why doesn't he want

to be home? What have I done to push him away?"

Since her diagnosis, life had become a nightmare of secondguessing

and doubts.

Sweet Hannah, her dependable friend, had begged Jade not to

blame herself for what was happening, but it was impossible not

to. If only she hadn't called Tanner three years ago when she

needed legal help. If only she'd been a quiet wife for Jim, maybe

he never would have left her.

Maybe then she wouldn't be sick.

Jade leaned her head back and lowered her eyebrows. What

was she thinking? God wasn't using her cancer to punish her for

what happened with Jim. Besides, Jim had tried to take Ty away

from her! She'd had no choice but to call Tanner. Ty was his son,

after all. And Jim would still have divorced her whether she'd

called Tanner or not.

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