Discipleship Training Course

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We see in the list of priorities that it starts with the first

commandment of Love the Lord your God, and we want to end

the list with Jesus final command of: GO!

Matthew 28:19-20 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the

nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and

the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the

commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you

always, even to the end of the age.

The last priority on our list is the world around us, friends, family,

work mates, and the stranger on the street.

Please take note of this: when we have the priorities of Gods order

in place, there is favour and blessing upon what we do. We

become people of influence, people of character that the world

out there can see and trust as solid. The world out there, our

immediate relationships need to see the worth of order and

consistency in our walk with God.

When you walk in the order of priority then you will have the

flavour of God‘s presence and blessing on all other areas and you

will have the ability to walk with confidence the road of the great

commission in Matthew 28:19.


Now that we understand the stages of growth and what the

priorities of life are, we need to hone into the areas of character

that either give the vehicle of your life a nice glossy shine or a dull

rusted appearance and experience.

Here is a list of things to consider and to evaluate on a consistent


Integrity – Do you honor your word? Is your yes truly your yes, or is it

sometimes slightly twisted to your favour? Do you complete and

follow through on your commitments? Do you get back to

someone when you cannot follow through? Do you easily speak of

others behind their backs? Is your work done to the best of your

ability, or do you take short cuts?

Integrity in its essence is dealing with hard issues the right way.

When you have made a mistake, to own up to it, no matter the

consequences. It is making sure that you hold up your end of the



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