Discipleship Training Course

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clutter of pride, knowledge and experiences that we have made

obsolete, and allow for the Holy Spirit to shape a new work space

within us to build a godly character upon.

Now that we have the hub in place, we can step forward in the

journey of character growth. Note that as each area grows and

develops, so your character wheel gets bigger and stronger,

which ultimately has an effect on the last factor, which is your level

of influence.


With the stages of growth, it‘s important to know that you are

made spiritually complete at rebirth. You are not half a child of

God, but fully His child. But at rebirth you are not spiritually mature.

And that is the area that needs to grow, and is a process. You

have to understand that the stages of growth are not linked to

one‘s age, but rather to your obedience to Gods word, which

leads to growth. You can get a baby Christian at the age of 75,

and an adult Christian at the age of 15. Let‘s not equate maturity

to the colour of one‘s hair ;- )

There is nothing that can force growth. Maturity comes as a result

of experience and of the learning process.

So lets look at the 4 stages of growth and how it affects our


Babies (enter into Gods family) the awakening

1 Peter 2:2 Like new born babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that

by it you may grow up in your salvation

Nobody is born full grown, and this is a very special stage. People

in this stage have accepted Christ, but haven‘t moved much past

that point. It is possible to stay in this stage for many years if there is

no active growth taking place.

Life is generally all about them and their needs and desires. They

cannot handle discipline, circumstance and trials.



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