Discipleship Training Course

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For Christians, our meaning comes from Christ and living out his

mission on this earth, and through this lens we can figure out what

that means for us as individuals.

An individual spirit takes away from the image of God

God has given each of us different talents, personalities, and

insights that all represent a unique part of who God is, which

means we individually and holistically represents Him. As image

bearers of God, when a person removes oneself from the church

whether physically or simply in the heart, a piece of that image

goes with you along with the talents that God has given you. And

you end up distorting Gods image in and through your life.

An individual spirit works against the mandate of the church

As the church Jesus commissioned us to go into all the world and

preach the gospel to all. But when I think that my needs, desires,

and well-being is all that matters, it stands in conflicts with the

mandate of the church to reach the world. We are all like puzzle

pieces. We each have a unique shape and unique colours that

when left alone offer no clear picture at all, but when placed

together can offer a beautiful image an image of Christ. When we

resist selfish individualistic thinking and keep Jesus and the

mandate at the centre then we will fully come alive.

I’m sure you can see how sly the enemy is, and how he wants to

pervert Gods plan and ways within us

If you want to make absolutely certain that your heart is pure in this

regard, then simply submit to the body and serve. For it is in service

especially in the places of no public honor or bright shiny lights that

the heart is truly revealed. You see from the heart flows the issues

of life, so turn open the right tap and you will see what comes out.



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