Discipleship Training Course

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4. And there is community and fellowship, with in the Church of

Jesus Christ, that fulfils our longing for friendship and intimacy with

others. Fellowship

5. When the Church is functioning properly, the lost in the world -

those without a relationship with Jesus Christ - have the Gospel

preached to them, and receive the opportunity to accept Jesus

Christ as their Lord and saviour and come in the family of the

Church and experience everything we have just talked about.


This is how the church of Jesus Christ, the New Testament church

becomes the hope to the world. Yes it is true, we have a massive

mandate and responsibility to be the church that Jesus wants us to

be. In the words of Jesus himself we read:

Matthew 5:14-16 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on

a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under

a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in

the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see

your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Now let’s make this a little more personal. Often when we hear the

things that we have just dealt with so far, we tend to think that it

hardly relates to us in person, and so we keep ourselves on the

outskirts of the church looking in. Thinking that “it” “the church” or

its “leadership” should change or adjust in order to become more

like Acts 2. But let me enlighten you on an interesting fact:


Yes indeed you and I make up the body called the church. You

and I are each a vital part in the glorious design of Gods church,

and yes the way that we think, speak and act influences the

church, either building and promoting life within, or causing strife

and conflict.

As much as the church is a global entity, even represented

through individual congregations, so each of us make up a part of

it, and so all principles and pre requisites applies to us on a



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