Discipleship Training Course

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to decide who has the power in your life, God or money. Some of

us might argue indefinitely that it is God, but yet in the fruit of our

lives we often see it‘s actually the other way round. Who has the

stronger voice, the stronger decision and motivational factor?

If money is the stronger one, you will be restricted by its availability,

and bound by its endless web of wanting more. If God is the

stronger one, you will be challenged to move in faith, beyond

what you have or can see. But the fruit is priceless.

And that I believe is the main challenge we all face with regards

to our financial freedom.

1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.

And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true

faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.

So let‘s look at some principles that we can apply to be good

stewards of our finances and to see the fruitfulness on it.

We are going to discuss two primary elements.

VALUES and MANAGEMENT. I see it like this diagram:

No one starts building a house with the roof first right? Yet it is the

roof that we long for, the covering, the blessing of protection from

the elements and containing and maintaining the warmth and

internal measures within the structure. And it is the same with our



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