Discipleship Training Course

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In conclusion

Wow the bible, the word of our heavenly Father, so inspirational, so

challenging, so inviting and so rich in wisdom and timeless truths for

us His creation. I want to encourage you to endeavour on an

intentional journey in the word of God. Don‟t leave your growth up

to chance, for you will be disappointed. We are so blessed to

have the written word of God in our homes. Let‟s not waste time

wondering what God is saying, or seeking for His will in the

strangest of places, when quite often we have the access to His

heart laying right next to our bed, or stuck in a book shelf, or

hidden in a box. Dust off your bible, close the door of distractions

and delve into the wonderful mysteries of God. His word is alive

and true and will forever more remain relevant and accurate for

all that you or any other generation to follow will face. Each time

that you pick up the word of God, ask the Holy Spirit to journey

with you, to highlight what you need to see.



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