Discipleship Training Course

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While hearing from God might cost us our lives, the voice of God

opens the floodgates so that the Living Water of the Holy

Spirit might flow from our inner most beings and open the door to

abundant life. Full love and intimacy with Jesus can occur only

when we hear Him speak.

So can we identify what Gods voice sounds like?

Let me start by stressing this point. Instead of focusing on the tone

of voice that is used, focus should be on the words that are

spoken, and weighing them to what we know to be God‘s words

in the Bible.

Many feel that God‘s voice merely calms, comforts, convicts,

encourages, enlightens, reassures, and stills. All of these

descriptions are true, positive and produce feelings of safety and

peace. However it is only a partial view of Gods voice.

People can say things that calm, comfort, and convict. Does that

mean the words they use are of God? Of course not!

Even the devil can speak calmly, encourage and lead people.

Did not the Devil reassure Eve in the garden that she would not


Gen 3:4 You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman.

Did he not promise enlightenment if she ate the forbidden fruit?

Gen 3:5 For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be

opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.

It is possible to be encouraged in an evil thing.

Psalm 64:5 They encourage each other in evil plans, they talk

about hiding their snares; they say, “Who will see it?



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