Discipleship Training Course

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who is inconsistent. It brings a sense of mistrust and unreliability. It

makes people feel unsafe, and leads to a sense of insecurity. This is

an area that need lots of attention as it affects almost every area

and relationship in your life. It is also based upon practising what

you preach. It is to stick to the rules, values and standards that you

set for yourself, or household.

Protocol – Do you understand the structure and relating to

leadership? Do you follow it or slip past the ranks to the top to suite

your own needs? Simply push through the crowds to make your

voice known, or place your own stamp or demand on people,

leaders? In essence it is respecting the position, the office that one

carries, the structure and flow of a meeting or gathering. It is

being sensitive to know when to share, or not too, when to suggest

(not demand) an idea or thought. To respect leadership by

dealing with things appropriately and timely. For e.g. If you want to

do something, to run it past your leadership before just doing it. It is

polite to ask if you can do it, and it is rude to just inform that you

are going to do it. If you have an issue with someone in your

congregation or leadership to deal with it between you and them

in private. Not to run to everyone around you first. Or to shout it

from the rooftops in a meeting or gathering.

Treating people of the opposite sex – Do you respect the

boundaries of a person of the opposite sex? It is so important for

both men and woman to increase their levels of sensitivity and

respect for one another. Our conduct in this regard is a testimony

of the level of respect that I have for the image of God in each

person. It sets an example to the world of how one should treat the

opposite sex. For e.g. steer away from any suggestive

conversations, or remarks. Men, set strict boundaries for your eyes.

Ladies, always consider your dress code as this shows the levels of

respect for yourself and for men.

Being personal – When you relate to people do you always cover

your life with the masks of ―im fine‖, ―im gr8, how are you?‖ ‖never

been better‖. Being impersonal or ―plastic‖ brings a distasteful

experience in the hearts of others, something one is not even

conscious of. And more often than not, will keep your relationship

very shallow, and on a superficial level. And those relationships

rarely bare good fruit. You don‘t have to wear your emotions on

your sleeve, but be encouraged to be REAL. It‘s in vulnerability

that life is formed and depth established.



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