Discipleship Training Course

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Chapter Seven


Water baptism otherwise known as the believers‟ baptism is such

an exciting milestone in our lives as believers. It is foundational to

our faith, it confirms and affirms our commitment and dedication

to Jesus Christ as our Lord. Proof to the world and spirit realm that

you are born again, the old you died and was raised with Christ

Jesus a new creation.

Baptism is one of the most significant and solemn commands of

the Lord Jesus Christ. He rated it important enough that He

submitted Himself to it.

Matt 3:13-17 Then Jesus went from Galilee to the Jordan River to

be baptized by John. But John tried to talk him out of it. ―I am the

one who needs to be baptized by you,‖ he said, ―so why are you

coming to me?‖ But Jesus said, ―It should be done, for we must

carry out all that God requires.‖ So John agreed to baptize him.

After his baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens

were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a

dove and settling on him. And a voice from heaven said, ―This is

my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy.

Jesus practiced baptism throughout His ministry. He was baptized

and He baptized others. The Bible says that He made and

baptized more disciples than John the Baptist.

John 4:1 Jesus knew the Pharisees had heard that He was

baptizing and making more disciples than John

So Jesus being our greatest example to follow, we too should walk

on this path that He Himself walked.

Mark 16:16 Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But

anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned.



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