Discipleship Training Course

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As we read all of these values I believe it all boils down to being

faithful. Taking responsibility for what we have been given and

working well with it. Then you will see the increase. Having a good

financial value system will create a strong foundation upon which

you can now manage your finances.


The health of our finances rises and falls at how we manage our

finances. Managing your finances is like building the walls of your

house. Even if you have a wonderfully strong foundation ―values‖

but no idea how or what to build, it‘s going to go horribly wrong,

and you will feel defeated no sooner than when you started. So it‘s

vital to have a vison, a plan, tools and materials to build with.

No two houses look the same, and so too with peoples finances,

however it is important to have structure to your finances. Here are

some suggestions that could radically strengthen your finances.

So let‘s start with our vision. The bible says that without vision we


Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he

that keeps the law, happy is he.

When one builds a house, he has a dream ―a vision‖ which then

becomes the plan from which you build. That vision is often built

up from the desires of the heart. So if we align our desires to honor

God in our finances, it‘s crucial that our vision is based upon the

will and kingdom of God, for then our planning will go accordingly

and then there will be less of a margin for error in our building.

Matthew 6:21 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your

heart will also be.



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