Discipleship Training Course

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We may never add to or subtract from the Bible.

Since the Bible is a complete unity, it is very dangerous to tamper

with its content. God warns us against this. And the purpose

therefore is so that we will not lead and confuse others with

contradictions or deductions from Gods word, as well as removing

or adding to it for justification of our sinful and lukewarm actions.

Deuteronomy 4:2 Do not add to or subtract from these commands

I am giving you. Just obey the commands of the Lord your God

that I am giving you.

Proverbs 30:6 Do not add to His words, or He may rebuke you and

expose you as a liar.

Now that we have some facts around the bible, let’s look at the

process that will lead us to grow in our journey of discovery in the

word of God. It is a deliberate choice to follow, it cannot be fed to

you through a tube. You need to take action in order for it to

become part of your life.



It provides teaching for growth and knowledge

It provides reproof (blame or disapproval)

It provides correction from wrong

It provides instruction in righteousness

It leads us to maturity in our walk with God

It equips us for every good work in this life

We live in very confusing times, where there are many teachers,

churches, books and friends who want to give us advice and

guidance. However it is vital to our own salvation and walk with

God that we gauge all that we learn by the word of God.

God gave us the Bible for this very purpose, to enlighten our minds

and to help us to evaluate/measure the advice/guidance that is

given to us.

It is as a result of our own laziness that we often get misled and hurt

in many instances by people, ministries and other influences. Quite

often it can be avoided and corrected if we take responsibility for

our own growth by living in His word daily.



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