Discipleship Training Course

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Acts 19:6 And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit

came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied.

When comparing these three passages, there appears to be one

outward manifestation which is common to all three occasions

where the people received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Therefore

the scripture states that those who received this experience,

“spoke in tongues”, or “spoke with other tongues”.

Other evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Another definite evidence of baptism in the Holy Spirit is the desire

and freedom to witness about Christ. Jesus clearly said in

Acts 1:8 that the believers will receive power when they are

baptized in the Holy Spirit in order to be His witnesses in the world.

Other evidence of the Holy Spirit include the following:

The Fruit of the Spirit is true Christian character (Gal 5:22).

The character of Jesus Christ.

A fullness and outflow of spiritual life.

A deeper reverence for God.

Deeper dedication and separation to God.

More love and passion for Jesus and for the Bible.

A deep sense of discernment for situations.

Power and boldness to serve God.

Deliverance from bad habits, doubts and fears, the power to


Better relationships with others.

The baptism in the Holy Spirit is the first infilling or empowering, but

being filled with the Spirit is a continuing experience in our daily

Christian walk.

It is a constant replenishing; the soul is quite like a garden. And a

garden often needs to be watered to grow and stay healthy, not

just the initial watering at its planting.

Baptism in the Holy Spirit is like a water pipeline that has been laid

with a tap installed in your garden. The full power is given to you

and is always readily available. However we need to open the tap



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