Discipleship Training Course

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to others. He never downplayed the weak, but rather built them

up. Jesus always saw the potential in people and encouraged

that. Jesus was very secure in who He was, so that nothing or

nobody threatened Him. We too as Gods children should not be

threatened by anything or anybody by holding back what God

has put in us, fearing that others will surpass us. Jesus celebrated

the fact that we would do greater things than He did. We should

rather bring all that is within us to the front, build, teach,

encourage, and equip others. And celebrate when we see others

stand in victory.

11. Jesus lived and walked in simplicity.

Throughout His ministry Jesus showed us to walk and live in

simplicity. His teaching was simple, telling stories that even the

children could relate to. His life was simple being a carpenter by

trade. Even in teaching us how to pray, He kept it simple. For many

of us, we feel the need to project our knowledge, sound all holier

than thou, and tell everybody what we can do. Jesus never did

that, lets learn from Him and keep our lives and leadership in Him

simple and to the point without compromise.

12. Jesus ministered with compassion.

On numerous occasions in scripture we read where Jesus was filled

with compassion and we see the miracles happened. Jesus didn’t

tolerate people, not even the prostitutes or tax collectors, no He

celebrated people no matter who they were.

Matthew 15:32 And Jesus called His disciples to Him, and said, "I

feel compassion for the people

You and I need to break down the distinctions that we have in our

hearts towards people, break down the separation of the classes

that is held in our hearts, only then will you be able to minister with

compassion for the people. Jesus had the ability to look through

the masks and painted faces to see the truth of the heart, it is only

through the Holy Spirit we can do the same, and with love minister

truth and life into peoples lives.



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