Discipleship Training Course

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What a wonderful chapter yet so powerfully led by the condition

of our hearts. May Psalm 150 never get old or blunt in our hearts. In

a generation where we are so aware of the views and opinions of

man, may we break free from this bondage and worship God

without any strings attached or chains of resistance in our hearts.

Let‘s worship God in and outside of the church walls with a deep

conviction of who He is and the wonderful mystery that we as

mere men can relate to our creator the God of the universe in a

personal and intimate way. Let‘s grab hold of the boldness that

David had, that even though he was a king, he became nothing

before his KING, caring more about Gods approval and delight

than the approval and delight of man. May you grow in your

expression of praise and worship and may you walk ever deeper in

the presence of the Lord.



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