Discipleship Training Course

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The gospel is not about me. The gospel is about Jesus. It is the

proclamation of the person and work of Christ, and of how a

person can step into the benefits of the work of Christ by

faith alone. Not by works or personal charm.

Some tips for sharing your testimony:

Keep your story short and limited with few facts of your sinful past.

The bulk of one‘s testimony should revolve around the story of

Jesus and His grace in your life. Spending too much time on the

gory details of your past will keep people focused on those

elements, by which they can potentially miss the truth.

We can view it like this. Actually, my testimony is not my story, but

Gods story of saving my life. Sharing it from His view and plan to

save you. This view always encourages a humble approach and

will keep the main thing in sight, His sacrifice, not yours.

Gods heart with your testimony is for you to remain in victory as

stated in Revelation 12:11, and to use it as a tool to enlighten

others to the gospel message of His redemptive plan.

Now that we have a basic view on the gospel message and on

the importance of sharing our testimony with wisdom, let‘s explore

our approach.

Firstly before we start ―speaking‖, it‘s so much more important to

have a good ―listening‖ ability.

Imagine walking into your doctor‘s practise and he simply starts

feeding you pills and wrapping bandages around your leg or arm

without hearing from you why you are actually there. I doubt

you‘d go back.

Well in the same way, we can‘t just rehearse a story and dump it

on every person we meet. We need to be sensitive and have a

good listening ability, to hear where people are at, and then you

can choose your approach wisely, and with the guidance of the

Holy Spirit speak truth in love, and not just from a rehearsed mind.



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