Discipleship Training Course

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because of Christ. He is the One who can lift us straight out of that

darkness, He is the One who can calm our fears, and give us

strength we didn’t even know was possible.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power

and of love and of a sound mind.

If you find yourself running scared or stuck in the pit of despair, stop

long enough to think who is the one pinning you down. Don’t fall

into the enemy’s deceptive attacks. Make a choice to stand and

resist him. He has no lasting power over you and God will help you

stand firm for the road still ahead.

Dulled spirituality, deep confusion, feelings of condemnation and


This last one can be difficult to see through at times. Because this

attack can be so subtle and can happen slowly over time. But

when we stop and look closely, we can call it out for what it is. A

slow, constant pulling away from God’s truth will leave us feeling

confused, irritated, conflicted, and facing generalized feelings of

guilt and condemnation that we just can’t seem to shake off. It

works just like a python constrictor, slowly squeezing the air and

movement out. you’ve lost your desire to press in and pray. Or

you’re too busy, you’ve got too much to do, even good things.

you’re not in God’s word. you’re out of fellowship with believers

somehow believing the lie that you can do this life thing all on your

own. And yet feel a dark cloud of confusion and guilt that follows

you around and won’t go away. Bitterness sets in, conflict and

broken relationships that you once cared about. You don’t even

know what to believe anymore and have started listening more to

what the world says is right than what God says.

1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion but of

peace, as in all the churches of the saints.

It’s a trap of the devil and you need to get out now. Stir yourself to

action and know that God’s power is greater to break through

that trap of condemnation, confusion and dullness.



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