Discipleship Training Course

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Isaiah 8:20 Look to God‘s instructions and teachings! People who

contradict His word are completely in the dark.

Scripture alone is our final authority in all areas, such as faith and

practice. It carries with it the very authority of God Almighty

Himself. Therefore we need to stick to its purest form.

Galatians 1:8 Let God‘s curse fall on anyone, including us or even

an angel from heaven, who preaches a different kind of Good

News than the one we preached to you.

The Bible is over Church Tradition.

In Matthew 15 the Lord Jesus confronted the religious leaders over

the question of authority. They appealed to their tradition; Jesus

rebuked them by appealing to Scripture. Church tradition must be

subject to the Bible, otherwise it nullifies Scripture. We can never

allow any culture or tradition to protrude above the word of God.

We Must Follow Scripture in All Things.

We must trust in God and His Word, even when we do not

understand it.

Proverbs3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not depend on

your own understanding.

We should read it, study it, believe it and obey it. Our attitude to

the Bible is to be the same as our attitude to God, for it is His own

personal Word. We cannot just eat the parts we enjoy, we need to

challenge ourselves to embrace and grasp all of His word in its

totality and allow it to shape and form us to His will.

The Bible is 1 Book with 1 Author.

Although it has many individual books in it, the Bible is a book of

unity. It is both one book and many books. It has unity and

diversity. It is basically one book. Though it has many human writers

for its parts, it only has one Author. God used the many writers over

a period of approximately 1500 years to write the Bible

progressively, each building on what has already been given.



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