Discipleship Training Course

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There is a trap that destroys relationships and utterly blocks any

form of discipleship in a person’s life and that is “OFFENSE”. Offense

is one of the enemy’s greatest weapons that he uses to break

Christians and keep them in bondage. We have to realize that to

be effective disciples and disciple makers requires good healthy

relationships. But if we are caught unaware, then it is easy for

offense to creep in and cripple a relationship, and block the

processes of discipleship on either side, all the way from receiving

through to giving. If offense is allowed to set in, it is no different to a

dam that no longer has an outflow, the water rots, and there is no

more life, and whoever encounters it or drinks from it is poisoned.

Let me briefly explain how it works.

Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart with all diligence,

For from it flow the springs of life.

We cannot always control what comes into our ears or eyes, but

we can control whether it goes further down into our hearts or not.

If we don’t guard our hearts, the seeds of offense will go down into

your belly and start to grow.



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