Discipleship Training Course

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Matthew 6:33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live

righteously, and He will give you everything you need.

We see that there is basically 2 Major priorities; God and His

Kingdom, and our neighbour.

It‘s very simple that God should be first, as He is the creator of all

things, and we as created beings should above all else relate to

our creator first. We need to remember that creation was made

for man, but man was made for the creator.

―Love the Lord your God‖. Love-agape love(to value and prize

above all other things unselfishly). Real love is motivated to please

and bless the object of that love.

Love the Lord your God with ‗all‘ – a complete active involvement

of that entire area. Not just a partial representation of the area.

Love is always evident, so by putting God first we should have

visible attributes and evidence that He is the Lord of our entire


The kingdom of God is where He rules and reigns as the King. So

we are required to put God first by submitting to His word, rule and


Mark 12:31 Love your neighbour as yourself. No other

commandment is greater than these.

The second command, which Jesus states is of great value needs

to be viewed in the same light as the first. They are both bound by


If our fellowship is broken with God, it will be broken with man.

I cannot love my neighbour as I love myself, if I don‘t have a clear

Godly revelation of who I am. And I can only get that revelation in

a relationship with God the Father, where He affirms my worth and

value through the image of His son Jesus.



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