Discipleship Training Course

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When it comes to stepping into the purest form of faith in God,

there are important principles we need to apply. And we can see

that through this story of the centurion.

God is a God of order, although His ways and thoughts are higher

than ours, and we don‟t always understand all that He does, this

does not give us license to operate without boundaries in our faith.

Faith is grounded and planted and established in the word of

God, so too we need to be careful to simply think that great faith

in the Lord means I need to be “super spiritual” and untouchable

or detached from reality.

Let‟s look into these principles.

The principle of submission

Luke 7:8 For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under


We see that he knows there is a greater power at work, and that

he cannot do it on his own. We too should know that its not by

might or by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord.

The principle of command

Luke 7:8 … I tell this one, ‗Go,‘ and he goes; and that one,

‗Come,‘ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‗Do this,‘ and he does


He understands the power of the word coming from the one who

is given authority. He knew all that was needed, was the spoken

word from Jesus.

The principle of authority

The authority we have depends on which authority we are under.

Our authority who is God, made and created us! All things are

subject to Him in heaven, on earth and under the earth.



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