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you’re going to make them wear glittery armor that says Fearsome

Foster Five!”

Sophie rolled her eyes. “Ha-ha.”

“I’m serious! What’s the point of having your own army if you can’t

make them wear embarrassing uniforms? Feel free to draw inspiration

from this.” He cringed as he waved his hands in front of his Level Six


It was the same half cape, plus jerkin, plus pants combo as all the

other grade levels—but it looked significantly worse in solid white,

with a yeti pin at the base of his neck.

“They’re not an army,” she argued, because denial was becoming

her new best friend.

Keefe smirked. “If you say so, Foster. Did Edaline tell you anything

about them?”

“Not much. All I know is it’s going to be Sandor and Flori, plus a

dwarf named Nubiti, a troll named Tarina, and an ogre named Botros.”

The last name made Ro unleash an impressive string of ogre curses.

“I take it that means you know the guy?” Keefe asked.

Sophie could see every one of Ro’s pointed teeth when she said, “I


“And?” Keefe pressed.

“It’s none of your business,” Ro snapped back.

“Pretty sure it is, since Foster’s supposed to trust him with her life,”

Keefe argued.

Ro muttered a few more creative words under her breath. “Bo’s a

loyal Mercadir. That’s not the issue.”

“You call him Bo?” Keefe noted as Sophie asked, “Then what’s the


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