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“I’m still mad at them,” she told him. “And I hate a lot of what

they’re doing. But they still love us, Fitz. And they’ve been worried

sick about you. They’re trying. It’s all just . . . a mess.”

“It is,” Fitz agreed.

Silence followed, and Sophie couldn’t decide if she should be the

one to break it.

“Do you want me to go?” Biana eventually asked.

Fitz shook his head. “Not until you tell me what’s going on with

Alvar. I know there has to be something—and it’s fine, I can handle it.

I’ll tell you to stop if I need you to.”

Biana’s eyes dropped to her hands and she fussed with the beaded

sash on her tunic—which made Sophie realize it must not be a school

day, since Biana wasn’t in her Foxfire uniform. But more important . . .

“You didn’t cover your scars.” She regretted the words when

Biana’s cheeks turned as pink as the fabric. “Sorry. I shouldn’t—”

“No, it’s fine,” Biana interrupted, holding out her arm and letting

the light play off the jagged white lines. “It feels a little weird. But . . .

these scars are part of me now, and I decided I’m done pretending

they’re not. Maybe it’s good if people see them. Especially today.”

“What’s today?” Sophie and Fitz asked in unison.

Biana chewed her lip, still fidgeting with her sash. “I guess I

should’ve said tonight, since it’s happening after sunset. But . . .

tonight, Alvar’s moving back to Everglen.”

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