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away. And that you left everything behind to go with me when I joined

the Black Swan. Need me to keep going? Because I can.”

His smile really was a beautiful thing.

But it didn’t last.

“None of that’s like . . . world changing, though,” he mumbled,

staring at the orangey clouds.

It had been for her—but saying that felt too sappy. And he

obviously didn’t care. So she told him, “It will be when we take down

the Neverseen. You’re still with me on that, right?”

“Of course.”

“Then we need a plan—and Fallon gave me an idea. I think we

should search Everglen ourselves, to make sure the Council doesn’t

miss anything. I know Luzia said Vespera never went to the house, but

I don’t like that they knew each other. And I couldn’t help feeling like

she was hiding something, you know?” When Fitz agreed, she added,

“Of course . . . it’s going to be a lot harder to search the property if

you’re refusing to go back there.”

“Ha—you walked right into that one,” Grizel told him.

“I’m not trying to trick you,” Sophie promised. “If you don’t want to

go back until Alvar’s gone, that’s your call.”

“He’s never going to be gone!” he snapped, kicking up another

cloud of red dust. “They’re building him an apartment! And you

already heard the garbage Alvar’s spewing out, about how he wants to

help the rebellion and prove himself worthy.” He mimed gagging. “We

both know how this is going to end. In six months, the Council’s

going to sentence him to stay there permanently, and we’re all going

to be expected to act like nothing ever happened.”

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