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“She doesn’t know,” Stina answered for Sophie. “The alicorn’s in

the middle of a beach. Grady and Edaline are with her. And unless I’m

remembering wrong, the baby’s coming early.”

“Yes, this is very early,” Vika agreed.

Both mother and daughter shared a look that was much too grim

for Sophie’s liking before Vika shot Tarina a wary glance and moved

to inspect the supplies. She added a few other balms and poultices to

what Stina had already gathered and rested her hands on her narrow

hips, surveying what was left in the cabinets. “Well, I guess this’ll have

to do.”

“How do we get to the beach?” Stina asked.

“You’re coming too?” Sophie asked.

“My daughter’s been assisting with births all of her life,” Vika

agreed, which sounded like kind of a gross way to grow up, if Sophie

was honest, but she wasn’t about to turn down help—even if that help

came from Stina Heks.

Sophie turned to Fitz. “Are you going to be able to levitate with all

of us and all of these supplies?”

“Why would he need to?” Vika wondered.

“Because it’s the only way I can teleport us where we need to go,”

Sophie told her. “Unless you have a cliff we can jump off.”

Vika paled. “No. No cliffs.”

Fitz ran a hand down his face. “I’ll make it work.”

He didn’t sound very confident, though. And Sophie wasn’t sure if

her enhancing would help boost a skill. “I’ll help lift some of it,” she

told him. “My levitating’s not that shaky.”

“We do make a pretty good team,” Fitz said, and Sophie had to give

him a tiny smile.

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