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A fresh round of KEEFE! KEEFE! KEEFE! made it clear Silveny was

a big fan of that idea.

Sophie followed Keefe through the gate, stopping to stroke

Greyfell’s neck as Keefe crouched near Silveny and trailed his fingers

gently down her velvet-soft nose. “Hey there, pretty mama,” he said as

she nuzzled his hand. “Should I call you Mama Glitter Butt now?”

Mama Glitter Butt! Mama Glitter Butt!

But the sadness had crept back into Silveny’s thoughts.

Keefe scooted closer, holding her face with both hands as he looked

into her eyes. “Don’t be sad. Nothing bad is going to happen to those

babies—not on Foster’s watch. So you just rest up, okay? It’ll all be

better soon.”

Soon! Soon! Soon! Silveny said with even less enthusiasm.

“Hmm. Feels like my brilliant pep talk isn’t doing its job—so how

about we play Name That Baby Alicorn? Otherwise I’m going to call

them Sparkle Tushie Number One and Number Two. Actually, I’m

probably going to call them that anyway—but I might occasionally go

with something more official, as long as Mama and Papa pick

something that pleases me.”

Silveny didn’t seem to understand anything he was saying, so

Sophie did her best to explain telepathically.

Name baby? Name baby? Silveny asked, glancing at Greyfell.

“I don’t think they’ve picked anything yet,” Sophie told Keefe.

He clapped his hands. “Perfect! It’s a girl and a boy, right? So how

about Keeferina and the Keefster?”

“Keeferina?” Sophie had to ask.

Even Silveny looked like she was wincing.

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