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“For the record,” Sandor told her, leaning close to whisper, “the

next time I see him—he’s mine.”

She wasn’t going to argue with that.

“Sooooo,” she said, drawing out the word for another calming

exhale. “Where do we start?”

“With the most basic element. Before I teach you any fighting

techniques, it’s important for you to get the feel for what we’re really

doing here—what actually happens when you utilize a weapon.”

“You mean . . . what it’s like to kill someone,” Sophie clarified,

feeling her mouth turn very dry when Sandor nodded.

“It’s a different experience with every weapon,” he told her.

“Daggers are for close-range fights, where every blow comes at

tremendous risk. So you need to learn how hard to slash, and which

spots to aim for to make it count. Where do you think the ideal strike

point is?”

“The heart?” Sophie guessed, her voice cracklier than she wanted it

to be.

Sandor shook his head. “The heart’s important. But the fastest,

most effective attack is to the throat.”

The world swam behind Sophie’s eyes.

“Yes, it’s incredibly unpleasant,” Sandor told her. “The thing you

must remember is that your goal must always be a quick end. The

longer your enemy lives, the more chances they have to finish you. So

if you only have one strike, it’s best to aim like this.”

He thrust his arm toward the dummy, stopping just short of making

contact as he demonstrated the ideal motion—a quick, decisive slash.

No hesitation.

No remorse.

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