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that her writing was still mostly illegible—and it was almost a relief

when she got called into the Healing Center on her way to study hall.

Guzzling gross elixirs would be way easier than trying to figure out

how to apologize to Fitz without the rest of their friends noticing.

But when she got to the Healing Center, Fitz was there, leaning

against the cot he’d been stuck in for all those weeks. And he wouldn’t

meet her eyes.

“I think we should wait in the hall and keep an eye on anyone

approaching,” Grizel told Sandor and the other guards, which didn’t

sound that suspicious until she shot Sophie a look that seemed to say

good luck as she herded everyone back out the door, leaving Sophie and

Fitz alone.

Sophie glanced over her shoulder, noting that Elwin was in his

office as she moved to Fitz’s side, careful to keep a couple of inches

between them. “I’m sorry. I wanted to sit next to you. It just felt like

that would start a bunch of gossip—which is silly, I know. It’s not like

we never sit together. I’m . . . really bad at this.”

Fitz sighed. “It’s not your fault. I thought we’d have a couple more

weeks to figure stuff out before we had to be back here.”

“So did I.” She hesitated a beat and reached for his hand, letting out

a relieved breath when he didn’t pull away. “I know I’m overthinking

everything. I just . . .”

“I know.” He trailed his thumb over the back of her hand, causing a

zillion tingles. “I’m sorry too. I’d just been looking forward to sitting

next to you all day.”

Oh wow.

It was amazing she didn’t melt into a puddle of goo right there.

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