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lit the edges of her darkened vision, and a primal scream slipped

through her lips as she blasted the force from her mind.

Rage spiraled like a hurricane, tearing down everything in its path.

But when the tempest faded, Sophie could hear the soft clicking of a


“Such a pity,” Gethen said. “You have so much potential, Sophie.

But you rely on the same predictable defenses—though it does make

our job easier. Look at how well you’ve handled your mighty guards.”

The sound of snapping fingers brought back her vision, leaving

Sophie squinting through tear-blurred eyes at where Sandor, Grizel,

and Fitz had collapsed in the sand, limbs thrashing and faces

scrunched with agony.

All three members of the Neverseen were perfectly fine.

“We came prepared,” Gethen explained, tossing back his hood and

pointing to the fitted hat made of shimmering chain mail that covered

most of his blond hair. “You know how well these block your little

mind tricks. And in case you’ve manifested something we don’t know

about, let’s get you more contained, shall we? Though I’m pretty sure

the only ability you’re hiding has to do with those gloves.”

Sophie was so thrown by the fact that he seemed to know about her

enhancing ability that it took her a second to catch his threat—and

another to realize she was still holding a throwing star. By then, the

figure on Gethen’s left had raised his arms and trapped her in a

glowing white force field.

Panic bubbled up her throat as three more domes of energy

appeared, imprisoning Sandor, Fitz, and Grizel. But she choked it

down, knowing the best thing she could do was feign confidence.

Make them wonder why she wasn’t freaking out.

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