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“I didn’t say our soldiers—I said our newborns. We generally try not

to subject anyone to that stage’s ferocity. But I might be willing to

make an exception for you during the next hatching.”

“Hatching?” Sophie asked. “Like . . . from eggs?”

“In a way. Honestly, I can’t believe your elvin school hasn’t taught

you any of these things.”

“It’s an elite subject,” Mr. Forkle explained. “Though you might be

right that we should cover the basics earlier than that. Our thought

has always been to save that curriculum for those joining the nobility,

since they’re the ones who may actually interact with your species. But

it does seem like an oversight for so many to know so little about a

species with whom we share our planet. It also sounds like our

information has some gaps. I’ve never heard of your hatchings either.”

“That may be because we’re very protective of our newborns—and

even more so of those unhatched. But I suppose, since we’ll all be

spending so much time together, we can consider this to be a learning


She gave Sophie a knowing glance.

In case you’re wondering, Mr. Forkle transmitted—and Sophie had to

lock her jaw to block a squeal—I’ve heard most of your conversation Sorry

to violate your privacy, but when she shifted to her archaic tongue, I had to

make sure you weren’t being threatened. I won’t say much more now, since

our conversation might be noticed. But I’m glad she’s giving you time to

consider—it gives me a chance to do some research. I’ve never heard any

whispers of the trolls having an elvin ally before. So let me do some digging—

and try not to let this worry you. I don’t think the trolls have an ulterior

motive. They sound scared, and I can’t blame them, considering the chaos

the Neverseen have been causing. I’d like to look into that, as well—make

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