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ability, and it was time to undo the damage they were causing.”

“And you thought the best way to do that was burning people

alive?” Fitz argued.

“Hindsight,” Fintan said as Sophie shuddered. “I allied with too

many others—too many enemies with their own plans and agendas—

and all those distractions led me down paths I never intended to

follow, thinking everything was connected. But it wasn’t. I can see

that now. Just as I can see there’s no coming back for me. This”—he

waved his arms around the ice bubble—“is where I will end. And I can

live with that. But I can’t live with knowing another child—another

Pyrokinetic—is going to become everything we fear simply because

we’re too prejudiced to give her a chance. I don’t even have to be

around flame to teach her. I just need someone to bring her here. And

I know she’s your friend—”

“Exactly,” Sophie interrupted. “She’s our friend. We’re not

bargaining with her life—”

“But you will be, if you refuse my offer. You’ll be deciding her

future for her. Don’t make that mistake. Don’t be as small-minded as

everyone else. For once, be the force for change that your creators

designed you to be. Your friend needs training—”

“Not with a murderer,” Sophie snapped back.

“Yes, actually. With someone who knows firsthand how easily the

power can drag you under. Someone who understands the struggle,

knows the temptations, knows the—”

“If your intentions are so noble,” Fitz cut in, “why hold Vespera’s

plans hostage?”

“Exactly,” Sophie added. “If you want to prove we can trust you—

prove it for real. Help us stop whatever’s happening at the Celestial

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