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his old self so fully.

“Now are we ready?” Umber asked as Gethen shoved Tarina back

into Sophie’s group.

“We are,” Vespera said, turning to Alvar, who nodded and led them

away from the gates.

Into the dark.

Soon, the only light came from the eerie red moon, which was

slowly shifting back to silver as the eclipse progressed.

“So are you going to tell us where we’re going?” Keefe asked. “Or

do you want us to guess? My money’s on Fitz’s room, since the

amount of hair products in there is kind of a legacy.”

“We’re not going to the house,” Gethen told him.

“What about the lake?” Tarina asked.

“No,” Vespera said, which ruled out Sophie’s theory that this had

something to do with the destroyed troll hive.

But it had to be about Luzia.

She was the original owner of the property.

And she was way too good at hiding things.

Sophie kept her eyes on the shadows, squinting at the scenery,

trying to recognize anything. I think they’re taking us to the override, she


That’s what I’m thinking too, Fitz said.

What’s the override? Marella asked.

It’s a way to shut down the fence around the property, Biana explained.

Okay, Wylie thought slowly, if that’s their plan, why didn’t they just

have Alvar do that instead of opening the gate?

That was a very good question.

And no one had an answer.

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