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“There has to be another way,” Linh added.

“And if there isn’t?” Fitz asked, tears gleaming in his eyes. “Can

you live with yourselves if someone else dies tonight?”

“Yes,” Tam said immediately. “Because we’re not responsible for

what they do. Only what we do.”

“How noble,” Gethen scoffed. “I wonder, though, if others will

agree. Or if they’ll look back on this moment—after everything else

unfolds—and see it as proof that the moonlark and her friends are too

weak to do what needs to be done, even when the opportunity is

handed to them.”

Fitz sucked in a shaky breath, staring at the dagger in his hand—

not with fear, but determination.

“Please, Fitz,” Sophie begged. “I get it—I get why you think you

have to do this. But this isn’t who we are.”

“Isn’t it?” he argued. “Why have we been training, then? Why are

we carrying weapons if we aren’t going to use them? I thought we

were fighting back!”

“But this isn’t fighting back,” she corrected. “This is preemptive


“She’s right,” Biana said, tears streaming down her pale cheeks.

“Whatever happens, we’ll deal with it—but not this. This will break

you—that’s what they want.”

Fitz stared at her for a long second, then at each of his friends,

before his gaze settled on Sophie. “If I let him go,” he whispered,

“we’re going to regret it.”

“Maybe,” she admitted. “But if you kill him, we’ll regret it more.

Even you.”

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