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shimmer and shine. But if we want to harness true power, we’re going

to need to embrace darkness.”

“Like this,” Umber said, weaving another arrow from her shadow

claws. She threw back her arm, aiming it toward Wylie, but halfway

through the throw she pivoted and launched it at Fitz.

Sophie’s scream sounded like a death rattle as she watched the

darkness slice through his force field and pierce his chest—then

liquify and sink into his heart.

Dex’s shout sounded just as guttural. But then he was charging

toward Umber and tossing another handful of his silver blobs—but

not at her.

At Sandor’s force field.

Ruy spun to reinforce the bodyguard’s cage—which meant he

wasn’t ready for Wylie to swipe a long blue beam toward Grizel and

unravel her force field. Lovise lunged out of the dunes beside her, and

together they sprinted for the Neverseen, while Wylie hacked at their

shield and Dex hit it with silver gadgets.

But the female warriors only made it a few steps before a massive

bolt of darkness blasted them both backward, sending them tumbling

across the sand until they both fell very, very still.

Sandor roared.

Umber pumped her fist. “Two down—though I guess it’s three,

since there’s no way the Vacker boy is going anywhere now that my

shadows have seeped in.”

More darkness poured from the ends of her fingers, and she wove it

into another eerie arrow. “Who’s next? How about you?”

It looked like she was aiming at Dex—and Wylie made another

purple shield to cover him.

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