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She stalked deeper into the pastures, and Sophie and Keefe shared a

look before they turned to follow her. And the rest of the afternoon

was filled with learning where all of the ogres’ pressure points were.

They weren’t always where Sophie would’ve expected—they were in

the back of the elbow, and the underside of their nose, and between

their pointer and middle fingers.

“You really won’t get in trouble for teaching us this stuff?” Sophie

had to ask when Ro showed them an opening in the way the ogres

swung their swords, which left a moment where their elbow was

particularly vulnerable.

“Please, if an elf with a few hours of training can take us down, we

deserve to die,” Ro countered. “But Cadfael won’t expect you to know

it. And I want to see the look on his face when that costs him a few of

his grunts.”

So she made them practice the punches and stabs and thrusts that

would inflict the most pain over and over and over, until Sophie and

Keefe were both sweaty and out of breath and dead on their feet.

“You should probably take a break,” Keefe said as he watched

Sophie study her right hand. She’d trained mostly with her left, but her

knuckles were still swollen from the day before.

“Yeah, I need to check on Silveny anyway.” She turned to head

toward the alicorns’ pasture. But she’d only made it a few steps before

Keefe ran to catch up with her.

“Hey, Foster?” he said, stepping in front of her to block the path.

“I’m . . . really sorry about earlier. I never should’ve said the stuff I

said. What I meant to say is . . . I’m really happy for you—and Fitz.

You guys are perfect for each other.”

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