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On the outside the tower looked like a picture-perfect ruin,

complete with crumbling walls and mossy stones and overgrown

vines. But inside it was all sticky mud and bioluminescence and slimy

membranes. The trolls were in the process of making the goopy green

mixture the babies would be floating in, and that was apparently the

last step before the hive would be ready for implantation. Which

meant Tam and Wylie needed to get to work following the

instructions Luzia had left for them on a rolled scroll tucked into the

handle of the tower’s door.

“You’re really not going to tell us who wrote these?” Wylie asked as

he scanned the surprisingly long list of steps.

“I can’t,” Sophie told him. “And if anyone asks, you have to make it

seem like you and Tam came up with the illusions yourself.”

“I doubt Lady Zillah will believe that,” Tam warned. “Half this stuff

I don’t even understand.”

“But you can do it?” Fitz asked.

Tam skimmed the list again. “Yeah, it’s just a lot of ‘send shadows

here and here and here.’ I don’t get how that’s going to create some

powerful illusion, but . . . I guess we’ll find out.”

The first several steps seemed to center on shooting alternating

beams of shadows and light at a series of small mirrors that Luzia

must’ve placed before she left. Some dotted the perimeter of the tower,

but most were scattered throughout the forest, dangling from trees,

leaning against mossy rocks, and tucked among the thick ferns.

“You two wait here,” Tarina told Sophie and Fitz, pointing to a

fallen log in a shadowy clearing. “I want to do a quick patrol of the

forest. I don’t like how thick it is. Limits my visibility.”

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